• 9 Hotel Survey Distribution Best Practices That Will Get You More Reviews – Image Credit TrustYou   

This article guides you through proven strategies for distributing surveys effectively and ethically, with a twist of technological savvy.

This article guides you through proven strategies for distributing surveys effectively and ethically, with a twist of technological savvy. 

Guest reviews have become a cornerstone for building reputation and driving bookings in hospitality. Travelers often rely on the experiences of others to make their accommodation choices, highlighting the need for hotels to actively gather and showcase positive feedback. 

More than 9 out of 10 travelers read reviews before booking. 

While most hoteliers understand the importance of guest reviews, the challenge often lies in obtaining them in a consistent and reliable manner.

Effective survey distribution is key to bridging this gap. At the intersection of marketing acumen and thoughtful communication lies a set of best practices that—if implemented correctly—can significantly boost the number of guest reviews your hotel receives. By targeting the right audience at the right time through the right channels, you can encourage more guests to share their experiences, providing invaluable insights and bolstering your hotel’s online presence.

As we explore these best practices, remember that it’s not just about asking for feedback; it’s about doing so in a way that respects and values the guest’s time and opinion. This can result in a stronger relationship with your guests and, ultimately, a more successful hotel business.

Let’s dive in to see how you can unlock the potential of every guest’s voice!

#1 Hotel Survey Distribution: Reach the Right Guests with the Right Message Understanding Your Audience

To get more feedback, you should first understand who your guests are. Segmenting your audience based on their demographics, the purpose of their visit (such as business, leisure, or events), and their mode of booking can provide invaluable insight into how best to approach them. Personalizing communication to each segment ensures that the surveys feel relevant and considerate of your guests’ unique experiences at your hotel.

Timing and Channel Selection

Timing is crucial in survey distribution. You want to catch guests when their stay is still fresh in their minds but not when they are too busy transitioning back to their daily lives. Typically, sending a survey within 24 to 48 hours after checkout yields the best response rates. However, understanding your guests’ specific travel patterns might reveal a different optimal time frame for your hotel.

As for channels, today’s guests are often on-the-go, and therefore mobile-friendly methods of distribution, such as emails that display well on smartphones, should be a priority. For tech-savvy guests, social media or app-based feedback routes can be effective. 

Meanwhile, more traditional guests may respond best to email surveys. Consider QR codes placed in noticeable areas within the hotel to prompt feedback instantaneously, leveraging the growing comfort with this technology among guests of all ages.

Based on our

consumer research, email is the most preferred channel for completing a survey. However, around one out of four guests would be more inclined to respond to the survey if they received it via a text message. Read more here. 

Tailor the Approach

To maximize the chances of getting a response to your survey, you should consider tailoring the survey length and language to fit the cultural and linguistic needs of your guests. 

Short, straightforward surveys with a friendly tone are well received. Make it clear that you value the guests’ feedback and that their input directly contributes to enhancing their future stays.

#2 Perfect Timing: When to Ask for Feedback

Understanding when to send a survey can make a huge difference in the number of responses you receive. A survey sent too soon might not give guests enough time to reflect on their experience, while one sent too late might find them disengaged.

  • Post-Checkout Timing: Strike a balance by targeting guests post-checkout, typically within 24-48 hours, when experiences are fresh and impressions are strong.
  • Automated Survey Deployment: Use an automated system that triggers survey distribution after checkout to ensure timely delivery and reduce manual workload.
  • Special Attention to Departure Times: Consider departure times and time zones, especially for international guests, to avoid sending surveys at inconvenient hours.

#3 Distribute Surveys Through the Right Channels 

35.1 % of review readers do not leave feedback because they are not aware that there’s a survey or don’t know where to leave a review.

Different demographics respond to different modes of communication. Knowing which channels resonate with your audience can significantly increase engagement.

  • Email Surveys: Remain a timeless and professional approach, good for reaching business travelers and guests who prefer detailed communication.
  • In-App Notifications: If your hotel has a guest app, prompt feedback within the app as part of the overall service experience.
  • Social Media and Online Portals: Some guests are more active on social platforms, where a reminder to leave a review can integrate naturally with their online activities.

TrustYou’s Customer Experience Platform allows you to distribute your survey via different channels to fit your guests’ preferences. 

#4 Motivate Guests with Incentives

More than 6 out of 10 guests who don’t leave a review are more likely to give feedback if they receive a room upgrade or if the hotel offers them a discount on their next stay.

Incentives can nudge guests to take action, but they should be employed carefully to avoid skewing genuine feedback. 

  • Ethical Incentivization: Offer a small token of appreciation, such as a discount on future stays or loyalty points, which can increase the survey response rate and promote return visits.
  • Transparency: Make it clear that incentives are for the feedback itself, regardless of its positivity, to encourage honest reviews.

Not all review platforms allow incentives in hotel-guest communication. Check the guidelines for each platform to ensure you comply with them. 

#5 Ensure Accessibility and Ease of Use

An accessible and easy-to-complete survey reflects your hotel’s commitment to quality service and can directly influence the number of responses.

  • Mobile Optimization: Ensure surveys are mobile-optimized, as many guests prefer using their smartphones over desktop computers.
  • Language Options: Provide surveys in multiple languages to cater to the diverse linguistic needs of your guests.
  • Clear Design: Use a simple, attractive, and intuitive design that makes the process quick and pleasant.

#6 Leverage Technology for Efficiency

Modern technology can streamline survey distribution, making it more strategic and efficient.

  • CRM Integration: Coordinate survey distribution with your Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system to personalize and track interactions effectively.
  • PMS Synchronization: Connect surveys with your Property Management System (PMS) for automated sending aligned with guest stays and preferences.

Data Accuracy: Ensure your database includes accurate information about the guest. This will allow you to better tailor your approach and reduce bounce rates. 

#7 Effective Follow-Up Practices

Responding to feedback, positive or negative, is an opportunity to further engage your guests and demonstrate excellent customer service.

  • Timely Responses: Thank guests for positive feedback and address any negative comments quickly to show you value all feedback. Consider using a response generator to ensure you address all reviews and redirect your response efforts to what matters most—interaction with the guests.  
  • Solving Issues: Implement changes based on feedback and let guests know their input has had an impact, which can turn a negative experience into a positive future prospect.

#8 Use Feedback to Elevate Service Quality

Reviews aren’t just about numbers; they’re a tool for continuous improvement.

  • Actionable Insights: Use feedback to identify trends and areas needing attention to improve the guest experience.
  • Staff Training: Share review insights with staff to inform training and service enhancements.

#9 Assess Your Distribution Practices

Check periodically how your surveys perform to understand whether you need to make improvements. Understand how various distribution channels perform based on open rate, completion rate, and key target audience that interacts with each channel. This will allow you to refine your distribution strategy and increase the chances of getting more surveys completed.  

Conclusion: Unlock the Potential of Every Guest Review

By embracing these best practices for survey distribution, your hotel can capture a wealth of feedback that not only serves as a barometer for guest satisfaction but also as a beacon to attract future guests. Each review is an opportunity to better understand your guests, improve your services, and refine your reputation in the competitive landscape of hospitality.

Engagement doesn’t end when a guest checks out—it’s an ongoing conversation that, when nurtured with the right practices, grows into a thriving community of returning patrons and brand advocates. Start applying these distribution strategies today and watch how every guest’s voice can collectively elevate your hotel to new heights.

About TrustYou

TrustYou streamlines communication and feedback processes in today’s fast-paced business landscape. Recognizing the importance of consolidated communication channels, the company focuses on providing instant responses across customer-preferred channels. Listening to Guest Feedback is a key driver for making customers happy, refining products and services, and overall business strategies.

At the heart of TrustYou is the Customer Experience Platform (CXP) Platform, a robust solution facilitating seamless customer interaction. CXP empowers businesses to:

  • Listen and respond to guest needs effectively, creating limitless opportunities.
  • Understand comprehensive insights from various online platforms, aiding informed decision-making.
  • Showcase hotel reviews on websites and Google, leveraging positive feedback to influence bookings.

TrustYou is committed to enabling companies to build trust, make informed decisions, and emerge victorious in their industries. Learn more about TrustYou and our CXP platform at www.trustyou.com.

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